Book Publicity Campaign for “A Delightfully Empty Nest”
Fun Without Dick and Jane: Your Guide to a Delightfully Empty Nest
Author: Christie Mellor
Publisher: Chronicle Books
Is $200 an hour too much to spend for exam tutoring? Is moving to an apartment near my daughter’s campus a valid option? If I don’t send a care package, does it mean I don’t care? How can I get my son to stay in touch without resorting to begging?!
These questions are on every parent’s mind as they face the moment they’ve been preparing for since pre-school enrollment: sending their little darling off to college. Luckily for them, Christie Mellor—bestselling author of The Three-Martini Playdate—has bestowed her trademark wit and wisdom with her new book, FUN WITHOUT DICK AND JANE: Your Guide to a Delightfully Empty Nest.
Christie Mellor came to us for a full book publicity campaign which includes radio, TV, online and print. Our radio team was able to secure interviews for Christie on numerous networks and stations including:
- Lifestyle Radio Network
- Radio America
- WZLX-FM/Boston MA
- WMJI-FM/Cleveland OH
- Northeast Public Radio
and many more.
Newman’s National Team was able to secure many blogs for our author as well as The Huffington Post and an appearance on The Today Show.
Mellor understands that letting go is not an easy thing to do, however she believes that an empty nest can equal a newly fulfilled life. In FUN WITH DICK AND JANE, she provides wise council on how to:
- Deal with the house being too clean and too quiet
- Admit the things you may not miss about your little angel
- Rediscover your lost interests and find new goals
- Rekindle the romantic flame with your partner
- Step back out into social circles
- Say sayonara to “Mrs. Minivan”
- Run away from home
- Figure out what to do when the children come home to roost. Because they will, for holidays, breaks, and possibly for years after graduation.
Even if parents spent some quality time considering what life will be like once the darlings have left, they should still expect a bit of an adjustment period when the child actually does fly the coop. But when that time comes, FUN WITHOUT DICK AND JANE encourages readers to be so thrilled about what they are doing with their own lives that the thought of their children moving on to a next chapter will only be a source of joy, pride, and excitement about the great adventure that awaits.
Celebrate the jubilation. Be ready to honor the grief. And then move on—happily—to the next part of life.
About the Author:
While pursuing a happy life that includes an interesting husband and two almost-always pleasant children, Christie became a vociferous cheerleader for the “other kind of parenthood,” the anti-perfection, you-deserve-a-life kind. Her first book, The Three-Martini Playdate was a harbinger of a new trend for today’s beleaguered parents, helping them to withstand the unceasing and overbearing good advice and pressure to raise perfect, highly enriched offspring, She continued the thread with The Three-Martini Family Vacation, also with Chronicle Books. Raised by Wolves: Clues to the Mysteries of Adulthood, (Harper/Collins) was a book designed for the adult child whose parents did not read The Three Martini Playdate. Next came You Look Fine, Really, a book celebrating women over a “certain age.” Fun Without Dick and Jane – Your Guide to a Delightfully Empty Nest, is her latest helpful guide for parents, a bookend to the “Three-Martini” books.
Christie’s rants have been published in Great Britain in The Guardian, Junior Magazine, and the Sunday Express; in Australia’s Sunday Life Magazine, and on the Huffington Post. She’s been heard on Britain’s BBC radio and American Public Radio’s Marketplace, in addition to being reviewed, interviewed, and quoted in Newsweek, Playboy, Us Magazine, The New York Times, People, and other publications. She also can be heard singing her bitter little heart out each week at the historic Culver Hotel in Los Angeles, where she and her band Doozy play Depression-era music and vintage originals. Please visit her colorful website, at
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Book Publicity: The Misleading Mind, How Buddhist Psychology Can Help Us to Solve Our Own Problems
The Misleading Mind

The Misleading Mind
Author: Karuna Cayton
Publisher: New World Library
For over 20 years Karuna Cayton has worked to coach and help people achieve a more balanced life.
In Misleading Mind: How We Create Our Own Problems and How Buddhist Psychology Can Help Us Solve Them (New World Library), author and psychotherapist Karuna Cayton presents the essence of Buddhist teachings about the nature of mind so that anyone can use them.
“Much of Buddhist thought encourages us to embrace our problems like old friends. It even encourages us to seek out our problems as a way to train our minds and to break free from the control of our disturbing (but sometimes unseen) emotions,” writes Karuna. “Great practitioners like the Dalai Lama even claim to enjoy problems because, like our best friends, problems honestly and accurately reflect ourselves back to us. There is no clearer measure of our interior health than the nature of our problems.”
With a book publicity campaign outreaching to media in various beats and outlets, Karuna’s message hit home with “Empathy is greatly increased through mindfulness practice. As we know from the studies in emotional intelligence, empathy is one of the key leadership competencies in positive leadership. Research has demonstrated that the mood of the leader has an overwhelming effect on the mood of the organization” states Cayton.
Newman’s national radio book publicity has spread Karuna’s message around the country via:
- The Progressive Radio Network,
- Business Talk Radio, and more.
Business entrepreneurs and people in general are starting to look at their problems in a new light. Once we recognize the habitual ways our minds perceive and react, we see the way they mislead. Cayton’s book contains exercises and real world examples that help the reader put into practice the way to a better life.
About the Author:
Karuna Cayton, psychotherapist and author of The Misleading Mind, spent twelve years working with Tibetan refugees in Nepal and studying with Buddhist masters. His Karuna Group practice applies Buddhist psychology to individual and organizational clients. He lives in Northern California. Visit him online at
Filed under: Business, Health and Wellness, Psychology & Sociology, Self Help | 1 Comment »
Book Promotion Serves Up Another helping of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series
Book Promotion for Chicken Soup for the Soul and Harvard Medical School–a deliciously healthy combination!
Newman Communications is excited to once again to provide book promotion and publicity services for the global best-selling Chicken Soup for the Soul series. To kick things off, Newman will launch a national book promotion radio tour for the four new Chicken Soup for the Soul titles.
Chicken Soup for the Soul Health, a new imprint of Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC, publisher of the series and a world leader in life improvement, and Harvard Medical School, one of the world’s most respected medical institutions, has announced a first-of–its-kind collaboration for a new health and wellness book series for readers who want to get serious about their physical and mental wellbeing.
The first four books in the series will focus on a popular health topic, combining the inspiration and support of new stories written especially for these books with accessible, life-changing medical information from top Harvard Medical School doctors.
“Doctors often use stories as a way to motivate and educate their patients and this series will allow us to combine our latest medical advice with real stories from real people to help readers live healthier lives,” said Harvard Health Publications’ Chief Editor of Books Dr. Julie Silver. “Chicken Soup for the Soul is the perfect partner for us on this project because their stories are a wonderful source of hope, inspiration, and great advice—and they complement the useful medical information that we are providing in these books.”
The initial four titles in the series include:
- Chicken Soup for the Soul: Boost Your Brain Power! by top neurologist Dr. Marie Pasinski, with Liz Neporent (May 2012 ; 978-1-935096-86-3)
- Chicken Soup for the Soul: Say Goodbye to Back Pain!, by leading physical medicine expert and Harvard Health Publications Chief Editor of Books Dr. Julie Silver (May 2012; 978-1-935096-87-0)
- Chicken Soup for the Soul: Say Goodbye to Stress by noted psychologist Dr. Jeff Brown, with Liz Neporent (May 2012; 978-1-935096-88-7)
- Chicken Soup for the Soul: Say Hello to a Better Body! by respected internist Dr. Suzanne Koven (May 2012; 978-1-935096-89-4)
“Since 1993 Chicken Soup for the Soul has focused on improving lives by providing inspiration, wellness and hope around the world and this series is another extension of that mission,” said William J. Rouhana, Jr., Chairman & CEO of Chicken Soup for the Soul Publishing, LLC. “We are excited to be working with Harvard Medical School and know that our readers will benefit from their cutting-edge health advice.”
Read the New York Times article on the benefits of storytelling on health
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Book Publicity for Never Apply for a Job Again Teaches Networking Skills for Career Management
Newman Communications has teamed up with career expert Darrell W. Gurney to build a book publicity and promotion campaign for his new book, Never Apply for a Job Again! Break the Rules, Cut the Line, Beat the Rest (Career Press, February 2012).
In his book, Gurney shares the “stealth” networking skills he’s taught for 25 years as a renowned career consultant. Drawing on basic principles of human psychology, Never Apply for a Job Again shows you how to open doors to influential players in your fields of interest to gain top-of-mind awareness and top-drawer connectedness. Through 10 simple and easy-to-follow principles, Gurney teaches you how to create powerful relationships with anyone, anywhere, for lifetime career management as both an employee or entrepreneur.
Never Apply for a Job Again shows how old-fashioned yet innovative networking wins hearts, minds, and opportunities for the savvy job seeker or career expansionist. When one becomes “question-able” in an area of passionate interest, and follows certain stealth rules of networking engagement, the personal relations developed can effect entire career changes. Gurney reminds us that:
- An ounce of research is worth a pound of job search
- You can never have too much information, and the higher the altitude the better
- If you treat someone like an expert, they will open their door
- Being interested rather than interesting wins friends and influences people
- Face to face trumps online connections anytime
- You build “relationship equity” one meeting at a time
- Being top-of-mind, you’re always easy to find
Once you recognize and reach out to effectively design your networks, Gurney writes, “your ‘security’ will no longer be dependent on any particular employer, recruiter, or even field, but will be placed firmly into your own hands”.
About the Author:
Darrell Gurney is the founder of For 25 years, he has consulted for the world’s top outplacement consulting firms. His first book, Headhunters Revealed! Career Secrets for Choosing and Using Professional Recruiters, was reviewed in Publishers Weekly and won the Clarion Award for Best Book from the Association for Women in Communications. Gurney has been featured on the, Wall Street Journal’s, BusinessWeek Online, MSN Careers,, and on Wall Street Journal Radio. He lives and works in Los Angeles, California.
Filed under: Business, Money and Finance, Self Help, Site News | No Comments »
Steven Kussin’s Book Publicity Tour Promotes Patient Advocacy
Doctor, Your Patient Will See You Now
Author: Steven Z. Kussin, M.D.
Health columns in newspapers, wellness tips on television and countless books on the medical profession attest to the fact that a large and increasing number of people understand that health literacy is as important to living longer lives as is living a healthy life style. But while there are innumerable books that inform readers about medical conditions, few offer the more important lesson about medical decision-making. Many volumes warn the public about the dangers of the healthcare system but curiously few describe how they can be avoided using an insider’s perspective. It is for these reasons that Dr. Steven Kussin decided to turn to Newman Communications for a strong book publicity campaign for his new book, Doctor, Your Patient Will See you Now. Kussin’s passion for patient advocacy developed when he became the patient after a horrible accident.
Newman was able to present Kussin’s information to the public with a strong media book publicity tour that gave his book exposure via such publications as Woman’s Day Magazine, The New York Times, Yahoo! Shine,, and many more. Our radio publicity team took the track and provided tremendous book promotion opportunities by securing Sirius XM Radio Doctor’s Network, Voice America Radio, and many local stations across the country.
Doctor, Your Patient Will See You Now (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.) offers knowledge and advice on what Kussin calls “patienthood” -the sum of talents, attitudes and knowledge that precede and rise above immediate concerns or ailments. It enables people to become partners rather than third parties in their own care. It allows them to be part of the equation rather than the passive result of others’ calculations.
Patients increasingly and correctly feel that they are on their own in a bewildering, impersonal, profit driven, perilous medical system. Hospitals are foreign terrain. Doctor, Your Patient Will See You Now is a guide book allowing readers to become skilled in healthcare’s customs, dialects and landscape.
About the Author:
Steven Z. Kussin, M.D. was raised in a medical family of independent physicians. From them he learned the lessons that enabled him to become his patients’ confidant and advocate. He attended Columbia University and Albert Einstein College of Medicine where he also later served as an assistant professor of clinical medicine. Dr. Kussin has also opened a consultancy dedicated to medical advocacy in the service of his adopted city of Utica, New York and the central New York region.
The successful book publicity campaign for Dr. Steven Kussin and Doctor, Your Patient Will See You Now helped patient’s learn ways to speak with their physicians and created visibility for this important message.
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