Leading Through Learning in Turbulent Times
Authors: Priscilla Nelson and Ed Cohen
Publisher: ASTD Press

Riding the Tiger
Newman Communications is working with Nelson Cohen Global Consulting to share how a leading through learning approach can help bring organizations through tough times, whether a financial scandal, natural disaster, or more.
Newman Communications is working on a full book publicity campaign, focusing on radio publicity, print publicity, and online publicity.
About the Book
Today’s corporate leaders are living under a microscope. Never before has there been more scrutiny – by media, employees, shareholders, and everyday observers – than in today’s tempestuous environment. Toyota, BP, and Goldman Sachs – once trusted and respected brands – have become pariahs. While the short-term may seem bleak for these companies in turmoil, just maybe, with the appropriate focus and priorities, they will not only survive, but potentially thrive again.
But why do 87 percent of businesses fail to recover from such devastation? In most cases, these organizations have not correctly aligned their priorities for recovery, and more importantly, re-growth. Too often the immediate focus is put on salvaging customer relationships and brand identity. The relationship with employees does not receive the same priority. Leaders do not communicate as much as needed leaving them wondering what the future holds for them and their colleagues. This dichotomy results in major turnover, far more than companies in crisis can withstand, and ultimately contributes to their failure.
RIDING THE TIGER: Leading Through Learning in Turbulent Times (ASTD Press, July 2010, $27.95) shares a hands-on, step-by-step approach to leading organizations out of crisis. The book tells the true story of how one company, Satyam Computer Services, rebounded from disaster and how people reacted, responded, and courageously led in the most extreme conditions imaginable.
Written by Priscilla Nelson and Ed Cohen, former Global Director of People Leadership and former Chief Learning Officer for Satyam respectively, RIDING THE TIGER provides practical, valuable lessons and expert advice as told through the case study of Satyam’s multi-billion dollar financial scandal and subsequent successful turnaround.
The Satyam story is one that had worldwide implications and, for India, was a national disgrace. RIDING THE TIGER details what happened after the company’s chairman confessed to his role on the widening gap between the real and artificial numbers in Satyam’s books and how, unlike Enron and others, a “leading through learning” strategy calmed the chaos and helped the company recover and rebuild. The book illustrates the collective efforts of leaders and employees’ to continue essential initiatives during the crisis, playing a key role in resolving issues and putting the organization back on track.
Today, known as Mahindra Satyam, after being purchased by Mahindra and Mahindra, the company is well on its path to rebuilding. They have already called back several thousand employees, stabilized across the markets (NYSE: SAY), and embarked on the arduous journey to rebuild trust.
With RIDING THE TIGER, Nelson and Cohen have written an emotionally compelling leadership book that provides specific strategies for organizational renewal.
About the Authors
Priscilla Nelson was global director of people leadership and Ed Cohen was chief learning officer for Satyam Computer Services from 2005-2009. They are both long-tenured learning leaders (just prior, Priscilla was an executive coach and consultant and Ed led learning and development for Booz Allen Hamilton) who took the bold move to relocate their family to India without ever having stepped foot on the subcontinent. During their tenure, Satyam received international accolades and was recognized as being the best in the world for learning and leadership development.
For more information, please visit: http://ridingthetiger.com
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Newman Provides Book Publicity Services for Michael Lewis, Author Of The Blind Side
The Big Short: Inside The Doomsday Machine
Author: Michael Lewis
Publisher: W.W. Norton & Company

The Big Short - Inside the Doomsday Machine
Michael Lewis, the bestselling chronicler of Wall Street’s excesses, returns to the world’s turbulent financial markets with his newest book. Lewis comes to Newman Communications for a book publicity tour that had him winning over radio audiences nationwide. Lewis was interviewed on three separate occasions on the Westwood One Radio Network and twice for the Fox Radio Network. Newman’s publicity campaign also included WOR – AM in NY, WCBS /NY and the Wall Street Journal Radio Network. Stations throughout the country also had a chance to talk to the author whose last book was made into the movie The Blind Side and which the Academy Awards gave top honors this year to actress Sandra Bullock.
About the Book:
The Big Short is an illuminating and often frightening tale of the current global financial catastrophe from an unusual perspective: that of the winners. It follows the very small but very intelligent set of contrarian misfits brave enough to stand apart from the madding crowd, those skeptical enough to not be fooled by soaring house prices, and smart enough to recognize how criminal mismanagement, predatory lending and the chronic mispricing of complex financial derivatives would bring the whole edifice crumbling down, sooner rather than later. And because they were also willing to bet money on the boom going bust, these misfits made enormous profits even as the world’s financial markets shattered.
THE BIG SHORT delivers a dark portrait of modern American finance and its impact on the world, as well as a character-rich tale of hubris, nemesis and Wall Street greed.
About the Author
Michael Lewis is the author of Liar’s Poker, The New New Thing, Moneyball, The Blind Side, and Home Game, among other works. He lives in Berkeley, California.
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How to Hit a Curveball: Confront and Overcome the Unexpected in Business

How To Hit A Curveball
Author(s): Scott R. Singer with Mark Levine
Publisher: Portfolio
Strategic change expert, Scott R. Singer turns to the book publicity services of Newman Communications to help garner media attention for his first book, How To Hit A Curveball. Available in stores April 1, Investor’s Business Daily is the first to talk about it!
About the book:
The recording industry never saw it coming. Xerox never saw it coming. Employees at Bear Stearns never saw it coming. Maybe even you didn’t see it coming….
Whether it be the advent of digital music, the desktop computer with a graphical interface and mouse, a major recession, or a personal layoff, divorce, or illness, how one reacts to and handles the next curveball can be the difference between success and failure.
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Common Sense on Mutual Funds: 10th Anniversary Edition

Common Sense on Mutual Funds - John C. Bogle
John C. Bogle, founder and retired CEO of the The Vanguard Group, knows investing. But when it comes to book publicity and promotion, he turned to the experts at Newman Communications. We are thrilled to be able to work with Mr. Bogle on his latest book publicity project promoting Common Sense on Mutual Funds: Fully Updated 10th Anniversary Edition.
How many Wall Street legends go back to their bestselling book 10 years later and honestly annotate where they were right, where they were wrong, where we are now, and where we are going? This scorecard is truly unique.
It has been a decade since Bogle’s COMMON SENSE ON MUTUAL FUNDS was first published. His bestseller examined the fundamentals of mutual fund investing in turbulent market environments and offered valuable guidance for building investment portfolios.
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Business War Games – Author: Benjamin Gilad

Business War Games
In a global, complex, and competitive world, developing a plan without testing it against market reaction is like walking blind into a minefield.
War gaming is a metal detector for a company. Yet war games run by the large consulting firms are kept secret and cost millions. For the first time, this book makes them accessible to every product and brand manager, every project leader, every marketing professional, and every planner, no matter how small or large the company.
Business War Games will show you in steps and practical detail:
- How to decide if war gaming is right for you
- Which decisions call for war gaming
- How to prepare, organize, and run a realistic and inexpensive war game
- How to predict competitor moves with accuracy and little information
- Why you do not need computers, consultants, software, or a PhD in math to do it well
This book is your bible of how to stay one step ahead of your competitors. Do not leave home without it.
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