Book Publicity for Heaven on Earth explores the Millennialist Phenomenon
Book Publicity for Heaven on Earth
Author: Richard Landes
Publisher: Oxford University Press

Heaven on Earth - Richard Landes
Some say “the end is near” others believe that we have been here before. Remember Y2K! Richard Landes and Newman Communications feel it’s just the beginning!
Landes and Newman Communications have committed to a book publicity tour for Heaven on Earth introducing some of the most influential apocalyptic movements in history, from tribal and agrarian societies to the post-modern world.
Ranging from ancient Egypt to modern-day UFO cults and global Jihad, Heaven on Earth both delivers an eye-opening revisionist argument for the significance of millennialism throughout history and alerts the reader to the alarming spread of these ideologies in our world today.
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Book publicity helps promote a rare glimpse into Scientology
INSIDE SCIENTOLOGY: The Story of America’s Most Secretive Religion
Author: Janet Reitman
Publisher: Houghton-Mifflin

Inside Scientology - Janet Reitman
If all you know about Scientology is that Tom Cruise and John Travolta are practitioners of the religion, then Janet Reitman has written the book for you.
Newman Communications helped educate and inform radio listeners nationwide with a radio focused book publicity tour for Janet Reitman’s controversial book INSIDE SCIENTOLOGY: The Story of America’s Most Secretive Religion. Janet completed a 30-city radio book tour, which included KFI-AM/Los Angeles, Talk Radio Network, Sirius/XM Radio America’s Radio News Network and more. Janet also recently hosted a live online Q&A about Inside Scientology with the Washington Post, discussing the extensive research she did preparing for the book.
About the book
Inside Scientology is the defining work on the faith by the Rolling Stone journalist. It confirms the astonishing truth about life within the controversial religion.
The book is based on confidential documents, over one hundred interviews with current and former Scientologists, and five years of research. Reitman reveals all, starting with how the singular L. Ron Hubbard transformed a self-help group into a worldwide spiritual corporation. After Hubbard’s death in 1986, a young acolyte named David Miscavige assumed control; since then, he has overseen some of the church’s greatest triumphs — among them a controversial billion-dollar IRS tax exemption and Tom Cruise’s emergence as a vocal advocate — while also creating a climate of fear and intimidation, according to ex-members whose stories of abuse Reitman shares. Reitman is the first to examine Miscavige’s twenty-five-year reign and what it might mean for the future of the church.
About Janet Reitman
Janet Reitman was a finalist for a National Magazine Award in 2007 for the Rolling Stone story “Inside Scientology,” from which this book grew. She is a contributing editor at Rolling Stone. Her work has appeared in GQ, Men’s Journal, the Los Angeles Times Sunday Magazine, and the Washington Post, among other publications. She holds a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University.
Additional Information
You can hear Janet’s radio interview on America’s Radio News Network here:
Learn 7 scientology secrets in this photo essay from Janet and the Huffington Post:
Washington Post talks with Janet Reitman about the research and preparation she did for Inside Scientology.
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