Author, Donna Hicks, does book promotion with Dignity
The Essential Role It Plays in Resolving Conflict
Author: Donna Hicks, Ph.D.
Publisher: Yale University Press

Dignity, the desire to be treated well, is something that author Donna Hicks knows a few things about. In fact, Donna can be consider an expert on the subject and has written a new book on the matter – Dignity. Although we may not be “experts” on the matter of dignity, we do know a thing or two about book publicity and Donna approached us for her book promotion and publicity campaign just for that very reason. We are pleased to alert the media to this important topic by providing a full book publicity campaign including radio, print and online publicity for Dignity.
The success of this book campaign soon became evident after our Radio Team was able to secure interviews on stations such as:
- NPR stations in Boston (WMBR) and Wisconsin
- Networks: Lifestyles Radio, USA Radio, Business Talk Radio
- Local Stations Nationwide
Success was further identified with opportunities secured by our National Media team, who secured Donna as an expert blogger for the online blog where she has written several articles including an article focused on Why Dignity Matters on In addition the Newman Team also secured a Q&A with the Boston Globe titled Getting ahold of dignity, a spot in Orange County Register, Investors Business Daily, and where Donna discusses the motivating force behind all human interaction in a piece titled Dignity… We All Crave It, So Why Do We Keep Ignoring It? and many more.
Newman Communications continues with Dignity providing an on-going book publicity campaign for a very special topic.
Donna Hicks, PhD, is an Associate at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University. In addition to teaching conflict resolution at Harvard, Clark and Columbia Universities, Dr. Hicks has spent nearly two decades in the field of international conflict resolution facilitating dialogue between communities in conflict in the Middle East, Sri Lanka, Colombia, Cuba, and Northern Ireland. She was a consultant to the BBC where she co-facilitated a television series, Facing the Truth, with Archbishop Desmond Tutu, which aired in the United Kingdom and on BBC World in 2007.
Filed under: Psychology & Sociology, Site News